Fact/Opinion Questions
1) Charlie loved cabbage soup because he happily ate it for dinner
every evening.
Answer: opinion, because Charlie never said that he actually
liked the cabbage soup that he had for dinner every evening.
2) Willy Wonka had to close his chocolate factory because his workers
had begun spying for the other candy makers.
Answer: fact, because the reader learns that the factory workers
were selling Willy Wonka's candy recipes to the other candy makers
Multiple Choice/End-of-Grade Questions (MCEOG)
1) All of the following describe Charlie except:
a - kind
b - generous
c - thoughtful
d - athletic (correct answer)
e - hungry
2)Which one of the following is not a type of candy made by Willy Wonka?
a - marshmallows that taste of violets
b - caramels that change color every ten seconds
when you suck them
c - chewing gum that never loses its taste
d - cany balloons that you can blow up to enormous
sizes before you pop them with a pin and gobble them up
e - candy covered chocolate eggs with gummy bears
inside (correct answer)
Problem/Solution Question
1) What do you think Charlie Bucket's main problem is? How do
you think that he will solve his problem?
Answer: Charlie Bucket's main problem is that he is always hungry,
especially for chocolate, but he family is too poor to buy anything.
He may solve his problem by getting a job to help his family have more
money. He may discover a new, inexpensive recipe for chocolate.
He may befriend one of the little people that works inside Willy Wonka's
Chocolate Factory.